April 13, 2011

Introducing CHUM IS FUM

~~~hey guys~~~~
how are you?
WELCOME to our space...

what is it?


    CHUM IS FUM was established at 8 March 2011.Chum is Fum inspired from one of the scene in Spongebob Square pants cartoon series.In that episode it shows about a creative marketing plan can create a great opportunity.

Chum is Fum studio stand with “exaggerated simplicity” as our tag line/ideology.Our studio creating some animation project such as trailer, short animation and etc.

We also provide other services such as designing corporate design,re-branding,commercial ads,poster, banner, business card and etc.

For starting, we start our project with a short animation called “K.O,OK” .
So, if u guys want to know what is our project, let's follow our blog and we will update soon.TQ


Along Usop said...

huyoh.. apekah?.. =)

*aiseh.. buang la word verification tu.. susahkan org nak komen jer.. =p

Chum is Fum Studio said...


dah2...dah buang word verification tuh...

jgn lupe tuk trus mengikuti projek kitorg...